Am Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017 schrieb Arnt Gulbrandsen:
> Dr. Nikolaus Klepp writes:
> > Well, that's not true: If you are lucky, your vendor installed 
> > a bios that allows you seamingly do so. But most likely he 
> > didn't. Most likely his implementation has a backdoor for 
> > windows.
> You're saying most vendors do this? Not just some but MOST? Name one or two 
> vendors who do it, please.
> > You'll need to see his contracts with M$ to verify 
> > this. Sometimes somebody down the sales lane will give you some 
> > hints, but don't count on it.
> Booting Windows from a USB stick is an easy way to test it, right?
> Arnt

Sorry to say, it's not. These keys don't allow booting your retail windows.


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