On 27/10/17 07:29, Steve Litt wrote:
U mean runit's author/upstream maintainer, or do you mean Debian's
maintainer for runit? Where does this information come from?

Debian's runit maintainer, Dmitry Bogatov, was arrested, accused of "preparing to organize mass disorder" and making "public calls for terrorist activit".  He runs a TOR exit node and is accused of posting things that were probably posted by some other TOR user.


The last time I downloaded, compiled and installed
runit it worked just fine.
The problem is with runit-init, not runit.  runit is still in Debian (and, hence, Devuan).

The problem is Debian bug 861536 -- installing runit-init makes it impossible to shutdown or reboot until the next boot.

('cos runit-init removes the running inits shutdown/reboot logic and installs its own, but the current init is still running and so the runit-init versions of shutdown/reboot don't work).

If there's a problem with Debian's runit maintainer, no sweat:
Pair me up with somebody who is good with making packages, and
we'll create a Devuan runit package much better than Debian's old
one (which was kind of difficult the last time I tried it).

Your first job would be to fix bug 861536.  If you can do that maybe you could get runit-init back into Debian.

If runit's author/upstream author has had bad stuff happen to him to th
extent that runit isn't trusted anymore, s6 is a fairly close
replacement: A little more complex and a little more capable. AFAIK
s6's maintainer is on the job every day improving s6, and once again,
someone who knows how to build Devuan package plus me plus a little bit
of guidance from s6' upstream would produce a Devuan package.


Only a RFP, not an ITP.

Everyone wants somebody else to do the work.

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