On 28/10/17 03:45, Steve Litt wrote:

I'm the original poster of the thread renamed "Runit for Devuan", and I
don't understand this email at all. What does a debian bug about s6
have to do with my offer to be one of a two person team to bring a
runit package to Devuan?

You said

> s6's maintainer is on the job every day improving s6, and once again,
> someone who knows how to build Devuan package plus me plus a little bit
> of guidance from s6' upstream would produce a Devuan package.

The Debian bug I quoted was a RFP (request for pakage) for s6, it was the closest I could find to a s6 package.  Since then I've found:


Which is the stuff necessary for a s6 .deb

Note that, as far as I know, this doesn't provide enough stuff for using s6 as pid 1.

By the way, anyone here good at Devuan packaging and also would like a
runit package? I could probably put together a Devuan/runit Vagrant
file, from which we could make a package.

You don't have to make a runit package for Debian/Devuan --  it exists already.

What is missing is the runit-init package, i.e. runit as pid 1, which was removed as nobody had the time to fix bug 861536.

I guess Devuan could just live with the bug, or declare it fixed by documenting it.

Or someone who was interested could fix it and get runit-init back into Debian (and, therefore) Devuan.

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