One more.

When we say entropy and random numbers, we generally mean completely unpredictable.

Intel's RDRAND, ekey, presumably ID-Quantique's solution and others rely for their entropy on quantum physics. If our understanding of quantum physics is correct, then by constructing such and such circuits, a certain bit flickes unpredictably between 0 and 1.

The linux kernels' u/random relies on math. According to fairly well understood areas of math, an observer who sees the output cannot predict future output.

Havege relies on complexity. It says that somes system can be too complex to understand, that modern computers are such systems, and so measuring some aspects of the system produces a stream of completely unpredictable numbers. (It also uses testing to find out which aspects will do.)

According to your descriptions of what you want (Taiidan), the middle is the right one for you: It's essentially 100% open source and the others require you to trust either quantum physics or that impossible complexity is commonly available. You may not understand either the math or the C but both are accessible to you.


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