Dear folks,

since we have to test elogind now with various setups, KatolaZ asked me to
write a short guide what needs to be tested. So here we go:

Lets start with a short overview about what logind is: It is about
session, user and seat management. Its main use is to track who is logged in
by which method into a system and which processes belong to such a session.
A session can then be assigned to a seat. Seat can be a remote access, x11
display... That information is then used by other software packages to
determine e.g. access permissions to hardware.

This topic was addressed with another software some time ago, called
consolekit. Many desktop environments and tools have been added support for
consolekit. e.g. KDE, GNOME, udisks, upower. At some time (e)logind was born
in context of systemd. (elogind) implements the same functionality like
consolekit and more. Today more and more applications are migrated to
(e)logind. Therefor this package is needed in Devuan to support modern
Desktop Environments.

For now, lots of packages in devuan assci still rely or can use consolekit
but this might change in future. This includes udisks (consolekit only), KDE
(maybe both). Some packages require (e)logind, e.g. GNOME, for installing
the package but at runtime they seem also be able to still use consolekit.

In principle consolekit and (e)logind can be used at the same time because
the use different D-Bus APIs and consolekit is merely a database. But
applications must implement this.

Main testing point is to figure out if elogind breaks anything which is
formerly working properly. In the currently prepared packages, elogind is
although being installed and started, not fully enabled because my internal
tests showed that this breaks user mounting, shutdown and reboot via 
consolekit. This probably requires changes to other packages. We still
need to know if anything else breaks by installing the elogind package, or
if things become functional after installing it. 

We need information about as many combinations of display managers and
desktop environments as possible, because there is interaction between
elogind and all of them and things which work with one display manager and
one desktop environment might not work with another display manager. I have
tested so far:

- text login
- lightdm/KDE
- lightdm/GNOME (only basic tests)

So for testing, you might take with the following steps:

- just install packages "elogind" and "libpam-elogind" package and check if
  they install cleanly. I expect problems when original systemd packages
  are used. Report any problems with it

- invoke "pam-auth-update" as root and ensure that elogind is not selected.
  This will effectively disable eloginds session management (daemon still
  runs and dbus api/library is available)

- after installing, invoke the command "loginctl". It should not list any
  session because elogind is not (yet) fully enabled.

- After installing, check if login/logout works properly. Especially the
  graphical logins are interesting. Please report tested display manager /
  desktop environment here.

- Now check if you can mount/unmount removeable media like USB, CDs. Report
  if it worked before installing elogind and if it still works afterwards

- Test if reboot/shutdown via desktop environment is functional. Report
  if it worked before installing elogind and if it still works afterwards

- Now, we should test with fully enabled elogind. Todo so invoke
  "pam-auth-update" again and enable elogind. Afterwards logout and login
  again. From now on, if any unexpected behavior occurs, things which work
  before, please report them.

- executing "loginctl" should now list the session. 

- Now check if you can mount/unmount removeable media like USB, CDs. 

- Test if reboot/shutdown via desktop environment is functional.

As said above, elogind is doing more than only recording the sessions. So
with fully enabled elogind the following things should be tested:

- Test if reboot/shutdown works via "loginctl poweroff" and "loginctl

- When using the "screen" terminal emulator original logind is killing
  everything, even the multiplexed application when the session closes.
  Please test if that happens for your system. I think we have to
  preconfigure it reasonable here.

- When terminating a session with a kill command, I have observed on debian,
  that the user services survive this and continue running. That means, that
  if the sessions crashes gpg-agent might be still running and if logging in
  again it might still have opened the key (not asking for passphrase)
  I think one can kill the session using the kill command and the login as
  another user and figure out if there are still processes running under the
  former user to test this.

Thanks for your help.

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