On 2018-03-11 14:08, Edward Bartolo wrote:
Factum est.

Slim now displays another background instead of the default but it is
still one of golinux's creations. I find the previous simple
backgrounds better suited for a display manager. This one is dark
purple with Devuan's logo across the screen. It is

Nice and simple, the way I want it.

Thanks to all.

Edward, I'm happy to hear that you've found something that suits you. But now I'm wondering what you were previously seeing.

This is the Jessie (purpy) default login screen:

And this is the ASCII (darkpurpy) default login screen.

I have no way of knowing whether you're on Jessie or ASCII but I do know that /usr/share/images/desktop-base/your-way_purpy-narrow-large.png is from Jessie and /usr/share/images/desktop-base/your-way_darkpurpy-narrow-large.png would be from ASCII. Both correspond to the color palette in the screenshots posted above. I am confused why you thought these were not "nice and simple". Please help me to understand. Thank you.

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