Le 12/08/2018 à 07:38, Rick Moen a écrit :
Quoting mett (m...@pmars.jp):

I m wondering about the best way to restrict a user after
he has ssh'd into his web folder.
Try a chroot jail.

If the users doesn't _need_ ssh access per se, you might consider
WebDAV, instead.

    AFAIU, your goal is to provide the user a more productive way to update his data. One of the most productive methods, to my knowledge, is rsync, however I haven't examined the way to use it in your conditions.

    Running an rsync server on your host is not very secure because the passwords are stored unencrypted on the host and must be set by the admin, unless you provide a dedicated app to do it.

    But allowing ssh connections with a restricted shell permitting only the commands used by rsync could be the way. But you would probably need to forbid the fancy features of ssh, like port forwarding.


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