On 10/17/18 8:14 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
Why doesn't Devuan edit sysvinit to use systemd's unit files instead
of scripts? That would bypass the entire problem. Those who want to
stick to scripts can always direct sysvinit to use scripts instead. An
edit/patch would aim to make sysvinit recognise unit files and run
scripts when instructed to.

Before I get a barrage of smart-ass replies like 'You do not
understand', yes, I know, it is EASIER SAID than DONE. Everything
technical is like that, unfortunately.

Well, it _is_ a non-trivial project.

The way things are going I am becoming convinced that the proper course of attack is to reimplement all the systemd functions in the Unix paradigm. Too many developers are embracing systemd and it's getting harder to keep a functional Linux system without it.

Sometimes the only way out is through.

Daniel Taylor

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