On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 09:17:13AM -0300, Fernando M. Maresca wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 04:20:36PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> > 
> > Multiseating? When's the last time you had serial cables to monitors?
> > We have much more efficient Gigabit Eternet.

Over serial lines?  1979.  With text-only terminals.  I think it may 
have been on Unix version 3 or so.  

The last time I used what I perceived as multiseating it was done over 
10-megabit Ethernet.  Worked fine.

> > Cgroups? There are other ways to do Cgroups without systemd, and a lot
> > of systemd's buzz for using cgroups is available in runit, which has
> > the finish script to clean up, and the finish script for process A can
> > stop process b, c and d if that's desired. There's almost nothing
> > *needed* that systemd can do that runit can't do, except lock your OS
> > in a "no replaceable parts shield.

Aren't cgroups implemented in the kernel anyway?

-- hendrik

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