On 01/11/18 at 00:56, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> Suffices to sat to demolish whatever you wrote that we're talking of a
> *smartphone*, not laptops!

  Sorry, re-reading the thread I figured out the thread started about
laptops, and a sub-thread initiated by Hendrik Boom (Message-ID:
<20181031004923.g7hyshbtgs63m...@topoi.pooq.com>) considered their
smartphone too, the Librem5.

  So, concerning the smartphone nothing you wrote applies.  And since
there are no PowerPC laptops it does not apply to those Puri.sm
produces, too.

  Everything else you wrote about Puri.sm was debated far and large and
I'm not wasting further bytes on it.

  Get a life, will you?


Alessandro Selli <alessandrose...@linux.com>
VOIP SIP: dhatarat...@ekiga.net
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