Le 21/05/2020 à 02:05, Steve Litt a écrit :
Rick Moen via Dng<dng@lists.dyne.org>  wrote:

conspiracy hypothesis.
Conspiracies happen. Not every event is brought forth by a single
person. I remember a time when scads of us Linux enthusiasts conspired
to depose Microsoft. "Conspiracy theory" is not an insult, regardless
of how people use the phrase.

    I bet conspiracies happen all the time. Many people spend time conspiring. But very few conspirations succeed or even have a little effect. But it isn't the case here.

    When a company takes action to increase its share of the market and/or its cash flow, we normally do not call that a conspiration. It is legitimate to write about it and discuss the actions it takes. Discussing the effect and the cause of these actions does not mean we consider it a conspiracy. One of the characters of a conspiracy is to be secret. In the case of RedHat, it isn't, they have stated it publicly.


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