Tue, 23 Aug 2022 21:34:09 +0200 - aitor <aitor_...@gnuinos.org>:

> Hi all,
> As I said in the irc channel some days ago, I've started developing a 
> new alsamixer in Gtk.

...which IMHO could be very useful:

- alsamixer is good, but (?) it has a ncurses interface...

- alsamixergui is a gui (FLTK) frontend for alsamixer which code is kept
  unchanged, but the gui is really poor: 
  + you cannot change the mixer device to control from inside the gui
  + there is no user configuration available (i.e. you cannot change the
  font size, which could be a problem if text is displayed too small etc)
  + there is no integration with the desktop theme/layout
  + ...

- qasmixer maybe good... but it is qt not gtk...

- other mixers for alsa? I do not know...

So a good gtk gui for alsamixer (just a gui, whitout code changes) would
be very useful ("good gtk gui" I mean: gtk, with desktop layout
integration, user configurable).

> Here you are a video:
> https://www.gnuinos.org/gmixer/
> In the video you can see three different mixers for alsa:
> - On the bottom, qasmixer (developed in Qt5)
> - On the top left, alsamixergui

see above...

> - On the top right, my new project.
> I'll call it Gmixer for sure.

hum... let me suggest use a different name (g refers gnome too much)...
say gtkamixer or amixer-gtk or gtkalsamixer and similar...



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