Hi Simon

On Monday 29 Sep 2014 20:17:56 Simon Kelley wrote:
> There's no definition of what is allowed in those DHCP options, so it's
> quite possible that a shell metacharacter would be encountered.
> Sanitising the strings would therefore change what gets passed to the
> script, ie it would be an API change.

I've not looked at the dnsmasq source for this, but are you encoding binary 
non graphic data? If not, what is the expectation in script? If so, you are 
encoding it regardless - thus if you encode the shell metas in a similar 
fashion the API hasn't changed.

Just because the DHCP RFC for option foo says it's an ASCII string does not 
mean that's what is really in the option, could easily be a PNG of Rick 

> Of course, the shell isn't supposed to interpret metacharacters in the
> value of shell variables unless explicitly told to: so sanitising
> shouldn't be required (though I concede it would mitigate a lot of
> common shell-script errors.)

Shells shouldn't allow function definitions in variables, but here we are :)



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