On 20/10/15 21:35, Simon Kelley wrote:
> To add to the list of canonical uses for dnsmasq: DHCP and DNS services
> to VMs and containers in things like OpenStack. These typically use
> RFC1918 addresses (there's no point in being able to spin a new VM in
> seconds if you have to go buy it a real IPv4 address on the black market
> first.....) so that's another argument against.
> I think that the "principle of least surprise" would stop me from
> _changing_ the default, even if I was convinced that the current choice
> is the wrong one. It's much too late to change.
> Actually, this isn't something that the code author needs to decide:
> Vanishingly few people install dnsmasq from source. It's a choice for
> the packager. That doesn't get me off the hook, since I package dnsmasq
> for Debian (and therefore Ubuntu, too). I note, for instance that
> --local-service
> defaults OFF in the dnsmasq code, but is defaulted ON in new Debian
> installations until explicitly turned off. The same could apply to
> bogus-priv.
> Of course that means the Kevin has far more people who he needs to
> convince to act........
I think I've had it very well explained that my viewpoint is very narrow
:-)  And what's the saying about choosing battles wisely?  Not this
battle.  I did say controversial...and apparently only 50% silly this time.

Ideally those cheap, low margin home router manufacturers  will remember
to put '--bogus-priv' in their configs.


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