Am 21.10.2015 um 11:41 schrieb Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant:

> Ideally those cheap, low margin home router manufacturers  will remember
> to put '--bogus-priv' in their configs.

The ideal fix is getting rid of junk by making it unattractive to sell
cheapo gadgets without long-term support.

Ways out would be:
- requiring all long-lived embedded things open source by law (although
the FCC seems to go opposite ways, not that it matters much)
- making sure companies selling embedded networked software sponsor
foundations and offer proper documentation such that such embedded
devices will be maintained for 15+ years

"15+ years" sounds ridiculous? My garbage "internet access device"
(phone & internet via DSL) that my phone/internet provider forces on me
(because they need not provide me with the VoIP password in Germany,
they can just embed it) is already 9+ years old.  We've been discussing
this for a decade and things aren't really moving forward.

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