On 12/30/2019 6:34 PM, kvaps wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 2:42 PM john doe <johndoe65...@mail.com> wrote:
>> Isn't the below flag what you want from (1):
>> "--tftp-port-range=<start>,<end>
>> A TFTP server listens on a well-known port (69) for connection
>> initiation, but it also uses a dynamically-allocated port for each
>> connection. Normally these are allocated by the OS, but this option
>> specifies a range of ports for use by TFTP transfers. This can be useful
>> when TFTP has to traverse a firewall. The start of the range cannot be
>> lower than 1025 unless dnsmasq is running as root. The number of
>> concurrent TFTP connections is limited by the size of the port range."
>> 1)  http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html
>> --
>> John Doe
> Hi John,
> Unfrtunately it isn't working correctly:
> if I run dnsmasq with static port range:
> dnsmasq -d --enable-tftp --tftp-port-range=69,69
> It reports an error:
> dnsmasq-tftp: unable to get free port for TFTP
> when I tries to download any file

You can not specify 69 here, with the current implimentation, you need
to open an other port for TFTP transfer.

Can't you open two ports?

Have you considered using a TFTP helper in your Firewall?

John Doe

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