Hi Salatiel,

Short answer is because the way dnsmasq is implemented.

Primary reason is not security decision, but lightweight implementation
in dnsmasq. It relies on recursive upstream servers to deliver complete
recursed answer. If it contains CNAME, it has to contain also its
target. It might be answer record or negative answer (NXDOMAIN).

But dnsmasq cannot process incomplete answers, which would require
dependent query to be sent again. If there is cname without anything
following, dnsmasq would have to query upstream server again with its
target. Because of internal design it is not so easy as it seems.
Dnsmasq does not store full names of pending queries, only their hashes.
Inability to finish incomplete responses and only then deliver final
result to original query is caused by missing code. It is not usually

There is something similar implemented for dnssec validation, but it
requires non-disabled cache for example. Because it cannot finish
incomplete responses, it also needs to know final answer for cname in
command line.

I think it would require multiple improvements in internal code. For
example current query retries are driven by clients. They retry only
when clients retry query to dnsmasq. For well-working internal retries
it would have to stop storing just hash of original query, but full
original query itself. While it should not be very hard, it would mean
non-trivial code and algorithm changes. With possible regressions caused
by such changes.


On 11/6/21 20:11, Salatiel Filho wrote:
> Hi, why does dnsmasq cname require an entry on /etc/hosts?
> I would like to override "somedomain.com" to "some-load-balancer.com"
> as a CNAME.If I start dnsmasq as:
> # dnsmasq -dq -r /etc/resolv.upstream --cname
> somedomain.com,some-load-balancer.com
> If I try to ping somedomain.com, I will get :
> ping: unknown host somedomain.com
> If I try to nslookup somedomain.com
> Server:
> Address:
> somedomain.com    canonical name = some-load-balancer.com.
If you query some-load-balancer.com, how does the response looks like?
Unlike HTTP protocol, it would not receive name of original query
somedomain.com. Would it return always set of addresses not known on
configure time?
> So I would expect that to work. Is there a reason for that not being
> allowed by dnsmasq? Security reasons somehow ?
> I have a scenario where I need to make a container for a legacy
> application point somedomain.com ( hardcoded )  to an external
> loadbalancer's CNAME whose  IP is, of course, dynamic and I can not
> add it to /etc/hosts.
> Thanks!
Petr Menšík
Software Engineer
Red Hat, http://www.redhat.com/
email: pemen...@redhat.com
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