Hello devs

in order to use DOH/DOT, a proxy upstream is configured, when dnsmasq
enables use-stale-cache, some upstream may return error when dnsmasq tries
to refresh the record from upstream after stale cache is sent to client.

i reported the issue here in dnsproxy project, as this is the DOH proxy i
am currently using. however i've tried many other Go/Rust DOH proxy (
namely doh-client, dns-over-https, dnss, cloudflared) , they all return
error when dnsmasq tries to refresh the record.


only reproducible :  if the requesting client is macOS and the upstream is
a DOH proxy, Linux does not have this issue. using a udp upstream like does not have this issue either.

hope you could take a look at the issue posted.


Justin He

Justin He
Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

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