On 02/03/2024 16:29, Simon Kelley wrote:
I think you probably need start and end addresses in the dhcp range


without a range of addresses, dnsmasq can't lease addresses and will only do stateless DHCPv6 and RA.

There's loads more information out there that will help if you set --log-dhcp in your dnsmasq config and look in the syslog. That will tell you is dnsmasq has managed to construct an actual dhcp range from the address on enp3s0 and allow you to see if it's getting SOLICIT packets and what it's doing in response.

The output from ip addr show dev enp3s0 would be useful too. Look at the address, prefix length and lifetimes.


Thanks, Simon. I will try both of your suggestions. At least the --log-dhcp should get me further if the end address does not work.


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