On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 03:34:36PM -0400, Dean Anderson wrote:
> Please tell about the experiences you personally had with open recursor
> attacks at Afilias.

I guess I wasn't clear enough in my message: I am not in a position to
tell you about that.  I am constrained by the non-disclosure terms of
my previous employment.  If Afilias believes that it can discuss those
attacks in a forum like this, I'm sure the management will send some
notices about them.  I have little confidence that they will send
those notices, for the same reasons everyone else in this thread has

> methods?  I don't seem to have any mention anywhere about Afilias being
> down or harmed as a result of any attack.

I am not willing to speak about any specific case involving Afilias or
any machines that it operates.  I will note, however, that there is a
harm to any operator when it has to respond to attacks: they're
emergencies and have to be treated as such.  This entails use of staff
time, and often at inconvenient hours.  So even if all the services
stay up and nobody knows about an attack, that is nowise evidence that
no harm happens.  Therefore, since the document we're still discussing
offers (perhaps redundant) defence against a line of attack, I support


Andrew Sullivan
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