On Mar 31, 2010, at 6:42 AM, Edward Lewis wrote:

> At 3:28 -0400 3/31/10, Igor Gashinsky wrote:
>> You are absolutely right -- it's not a DNS problem, it *is* a host
>> behavior problem. The issue is that it takes *years* to fix a host
>> behavior problem, and we need to engineer and deploy a fix much sooner
>> then that (hopefully about a year before the v4 exhaustion date). Given
>> that, is there something other then DNS that can address it better/faster?
> On topic of DNSOP: Reversing a fix slipped into the DNS for some other 
> segment's problem will take years to remove.  We still have round-robin in 
> the DNS, for example, added to help load balancing for an application (mail?) 
> way way back in time.  Today round-robin is a pain for DNSSEC (for example).
> This is off-topic for DNSOP: I don't believe it takes "years" to fix host 
> behavior problems.  Yes, some hosts will run the same software they have 
> today for years to come.  But most won't last that long. If you don't fight 
> the problem in the right place, you won't eradicate the issue.

Also, you can make an EASY in-browser Javascript check.

Load 3 images in a hidden DIV.  These images should ideally be set to be 
non-cached and have a cache-buster in the URL (akin to how Google Analytic's 
hidden GIF is loaded: it contains a cache-buster in the URL).

One is hosted on an IPv4 only site, one on a IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, and one on a 
IPv6 only site, and bind onload/onerror to Javascript for reporting.

If the first two load, the host is a successful V4 host.

If only the first loads, the host has the described problem with a link local 
V6, and needs to be patched: have the Javascript notify the user.

If only the second and third loads, the host is V6 only (HA!).

Put such a Javascript test on the Yahoo or Google homepage, as it is small (you 
could compress it down to probably a couple hundred bytes), you can make it so 
its effectively non-blocking on rendering (put it in a infinitesemal iframe), 
so it doesn't impact page load times.

Voila, you not only FIND the hosts that are the problem, but notify them to FIX 
the problem, especially since it is Yahoo that is specifically worried about 
clients with this problem.

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