On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Andrew Sullivan <a...@shinkuro.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 01:46:07PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
>> Why is there a need to wean people off IPv4?
> Because we're about to run out of v4 addresses, according to the
> people in charge of giving them out.

all that means is that people need to start being able to USE ipv6,
not that they need to stop using ipv4. It may be useful for individual
organizations to stop using ipv4, but it's certainly NOT a requirement
that 'the people that give them out' have been putting forth. It may
be useful for organizations which can not get allocations of ipv4
space to 'buy' space (get a link to a provider with spare ipv4) and
NAT their entire enterprise behind this...

Really that entire discussion is an aside, and a distraction from the
actual conversation here, should a service provider find a simpler way
to automatically whitelist users/enterprises for ipv6 services. The
service provider here cares deeply about their customers' service
experience, they do not want to break users, slow them down or appear
to provide 'worse' service all because someone decided long ago that
this new fangled 128bit address thingy was a good plan.

Taking a measured approach to roll out of services to existing
customers is a good thing. Moving toward more ipv6 adoption is a good
thing, is there a reason that we seem to want to quash ipv6 adoption?
(based on the conversation so far it surely seems as though we do...)

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