On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 08:32:59AM -0700, David Conrad wrote:
> On Apr 16, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Scott Schmit wrote:
> > Please explain how operators will prevent this, and why they can
> > afford to remove a zone from the NTA list (while it is still
> > failing) but couldn't afford to leave it off the list in the first
> > place.
> I would assume operators will keep NTAs alive until the zone owner
> fixes things. 
> You appear to be assuming zone owners will leave brokenness in place.

Not an assumption--a reality. See Jason's recent posts for

> > No, I'm talking about a targeted use of the controversial practice of
> > returning spoofed results redirecting the user to another host. 
> An interesting idea, albeit I'm actually unsure which is less
> appealing architecturally speaking. For others against NTAs, is the
> use of redirection as Scott suggests preferable?

Believe me, I feel dirty even suggesting it. But its benefits could
outweigh the ugliness of it, so I figured I'd offer it.

Another approach would be to bless client-configured/non-automated NTAs
for now...until there are enough resolvers validating. Then do a 'Turn
Off All NTAs Forever Day.'" And hope that the world follows through &
blessing NTAs doesn't backfire instead.

Scott Schmit

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