On 01/06/2012 22:03, SM wrote:
> Dear Internet Engineering Steering Group, At 02:00 01-06-2012,
> Olaf Kolkman wrote:
>> That is almost 6 month now. Granted, we have had some comments 
>> coming in after the WGLC ended, all of the type that would make 
>> reasonable errata. Besides, that is a sign that people take the 
>> effort to find and read the draft, to me an indication that
>> there is a need for this document to be published.
> Is the DNSOP WG still active?  I am asking this question because:

Yes, the WG is still active.

> (a) The WG charter lists milestones dated Sep 2007.

Guilty as charged I'm afraid.

On behalf of the chairs, I can only apologise to the WG for neglecting
to review and update the milestones.

> (b) It has been over five months since 
> draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-11 is waiting for Write-Up.

As you rightly say, progress on this this is overdue.  However things
have started to move - I undertook a nits review of the -11 version of
the draft earlier this week and the results are now with the editors.
Peter (the document shepherd) also has a few comments and will be
sending them to the editors as well as summarising them on the list.

At the last WG meeting, we also said we would progress one other draft:

This has passed the WGLC.  The final nits review has been done and the
draft is back with the editors for corrections.  A short summary of
the review was posted to the list last month.  Once a new version has
been submitted, it will be passed to the IESG along with the write-up
(which has already been prepared).

A question outstanding - and one for which I am seeking clarification
- concerns the correct copyright notice.  The draft is based heavily on
RFC 3647, but the copyright notice for that is more restrictive than the
one on this draft.  Presumably this means additional copyright text -
but I'm not certain of the implications (if any) of the fact that
earlier versions of this draft have been published with the less
restrictive copyright notice.

So in summary, I'm afraid that the chairs have been somewhat bad at
the housekeeping and apologise to the WG for that.  However, WG is
definitely alive and drafts are being progressed.

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