In your previous mail you wrote:

>  > Or with other words you don't need confidentiality with
>  Why don't we need confidentiality with open resolvers like google? 

=> because the goal is not confidentiality at the level a Microsoft
environment needs (because Microsoft adopted and extended DNS
with far stronger security requirement) but to make 3 letter
agencies (4 letters in France) the global surveillance more expensive.
And I don't trust Google for this (nor to pay its taxes :-).

>  One might not like that anybody on his/her network knows what he is
>  browsing. This is a part of privacy.

=> IMHO this is more the second problem. Note I consider too you
want your "own" DNSSEC validating resolver too.

>  >  3- the solution MUST work without prior arrangements
>  Probably you need a miracle. Because with no arrangement, I do not think it
>  is possible.

=> Michael Richardson's opportunistic encryption shows it is possible.
BTW what we want is really opportunistic encryption as defined in
Wikipedia (so don't object there are at least 3 OE at the IETF :-).

>  If you use a weak approach, IMHO, it is better to forget encryption since
>  you do not know how powerful an attacker can be and you only bother your
>  computer.

=> not my computer, my resolver. And the goal is not strict/strong
privacy which BTW is impossible because 3/4 letter agencies can
anyway ask for .com or .fr server logs. Personally I don't like the
idea of DNS encryption but because I don't want to give a reason to
ISPs to filter port 53.


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