In your previous mail you wrote:

>  If we follow this line of reasoning, why do we deploy more security,
>  then?

=> because we want (and as you noticed they don't want).

>  With this argument, we would never have deployed HTTPS
>  either.

=> have we? I am afraid most HTTPS are MITM'ed where SSH & co are

>  (Or SSH: most hotspots and many ISP block SSH.)

=> I know and it is a shame! BTW for ISP it is for me a good (and
enough) reason to go another one (fortunately in France ISP
competition is high: no NAT, no silly filters, less than 20 EUR
per month for 20Mbits/s triple play...)

>  We promised in Vancouver to seriously strengthen the Internet against
>  surveillance. Was it an empty promise, politician-style?

=> the political side is politician-style, do you have a doubt?


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