On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 6:39 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <hal...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Nicholas Weaver <nwea...@icsi.berkeley.edu
> > wrote:
>> Lets assume a typical day of 1 billion external lookups for a major ISP
>> centralized resolver, and that all are verified.  Thats less 1 CPU core-day
>> to validate every DNSSEC lookup that day at 2048b keys.
> Yes, I agree, but you are proposing a different DNSSEC model to the one
> they believe in.
> The DNS world has put all their eggs into the DNSSEC from Authoritative to
> Stub client model. They only view the Authoritative to Resolver as a
> temporary deployment hack.

I think even in the imagined future of validating stub resolvers, there's
still value in centralized caching; it speeds up lookup times. There's no
sense in intermediates caching bad answers, especially since it can lead to
denial of service, so there's still some value in validating centrally too.

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