
I believe consensus was that dnsop needs a problem statement about DNS
privacy before we explore possible solutions.

Stephane's draft-bortzmeyer-dnsop-dns-privacy seems like a very good start
to this problem statement.  Are there plans to discuss this draft at
IETF90 in Toronto?

I sent him some detailed comments out-of-band, but one question for the
list:  what do we call the parts of the DNS resolver hierarchy?

draft-bortzmeyer-dnsop-dns-privacy-02 defines and uses the terms
(1) "stub resolver",
(2) "resolver" and
(3) "name server"

and also 
(2.5) a forwarding DNS resolver/server that is beyond the first-hop
recursive resolver/server but not authoritative.

for the things that
(1) initiates queries, 
(2) handle recursive resolution,
(3) reply with authoritative responses.

The short version is:

I recommend against use of resolver without an adjective for (2). 

Prior RFCs do not have consensus about what to use (both recursive resolver and
recursive name server appear).  Personally I'd go with "recursive
resolver".  Does the list have other recommendations?

The tl;dr version is below:

I looked over many (but certainly not all) existing RFCs, and there is
some variation in terminology:

RFC-1035 (the original DNS spec):
(1) stub resolver
(2) recursive server
(3) no specific term (!)... it does talk about "foreign name servers"
and "masters" and "authoritative data", but not authoritative servers

RFC-1996 (DNS notify):
(1) (not used)
(2) (not used)
(3) authoritative server

RFC-1999 (EDNS):

RFC-3833 (DNS threats) uses
(1) stub resolver
(2) recursive name server
(3) authoritative name servers

RFC-4033 and 4035 (DNSsec) use:
(1) stub resolver
(2) recursive name server
(3) authoritative name servers

RFC-4871 (DKIM):
uses only 
(2) recursive name server

RFC-5966 (DNS over TCP):
(1) stub resolver
(2) recursive server (or forwarder)
(3) authoritative server

RFC-6891 (ENDS(0)):
(1) stub resolver
(2) recursive resolver AND caching resolver
(3) authoritative server

Back to 


My recommendation for terms is:

(1) stub resolver
(2) recursive resolver
(2.5) forwarding resolver OR maybe caching intermediate resolver
(3) authoritative nameserver (or authoritative name-server)

Based on these observations:

- "resolver" without an adjective for (2) risks ambiguity

- recursive resolver vs. recursive server for (2) seem to depend on if
  you're approaching the problem from the end-user or the providers
  point of view.  The challenge is that (2) is both a client AND server,
  leading to inconsistency.

Just a suggestion,
   -John Heidemann

DNSOP mailing list

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