On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org> wrote:
> Just to be clear: Warren asked for feedback with an open mind. If you read 
> the draft, you'll see Warren and I explicitly handwave. Also, note that at 
> the moment, he and I disagree about some of the suggestions, just like it 
> seems that some people here so far do. FWIW, I currently prefer the result to 
> be a more robust cache (something that acts just like a cache but also knows 
> how to synthesize NXDOMAIN for things not in the root), and Warren prefers 
> the result to be a less robust slave (something that does not have as close 
> of a relationship with the master as what we normally think, but gives 
> authoritative answers).

I suspect I may have worded things poorly, this isn't quite what I
think. Just FYI, Paul and I had a chat last night in a really quite
nice pub. I was saying that I think both of the above are merely
different ways of looking at the same thing (a less strict slave, or a
more knowledgeable cache). I also spent some time playing devil's
advocate on returning AA vs not AA (it's entirely possible I was

Anyway, I think that this solution shouldn't return AA bits -- this is
more easily thought of as a cache pre-population system, with the
added benefit of knowing the entire zone (so you already know what
*doesn't* exist.

> That's fine: it is supposed to be a consensus document and we aren't there 
> yet.

Yup. The draft has an entire Open Questions section -- we specifically
want to develop this with folk in DNSOP. We could have come along with
a finished document, saying "This is how you should do this - there,
we fixed it for you...", and then fight over all the bits y;all thing
we got wrong. Instead we'd much rather design this *with* everyone so
we end up with a better solution (and with less tears too!)

> My hope is that DNSOP doesn't become too DNSEXT-like where if the -00 for a 
> proposal isn't universally loved, it is destroyed instead of worked on.
> --Paul Hoffman
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