On Jul 16, 2014, at 11:16 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzme...@nic.fr> wrote:

> There was no answer to this message. It is clear there is no standard
> DNS terminology, which is often a problem when talking about the
> future of the DNS. Any idea about how to change that? Do we need a
> "DNS terminology" RFC?

This idea has come up more than once, including an off-list conversation 
earlier this week about 
http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-klensin-dotless-terminology-harmful/ and 
some lengthy discussions extending years into the past about exactly what we 
mean by "resolver".

IMO a terminology document would be tremendously useful.

Next questions: is there some common view of scope, and is there a critical 
mass of interest to see it through?


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