> Stephane Bortzmeyer <mailto:bortzme...@nic.fr>
> Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:05 AM
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 02:14:49PM +0900,
>  Masataka Ohta <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote 
>  a message of 27 lines which said:
>> Right, NXDOMAIN returned by some broken implementation to
>> empty non-terminals MUST NOT be interpreted that the
>> terminals does not exist.

i disagree with this. broken implementations who emit NXDOMAIN for empty
non-terminals cannot be used as an excuse not to develop and deploy
correct protocol and software enhancements. the internet has hundreds of
years to run yet, and these broken implementations are (a) shrinking not
growing, and (b) subject to rapid replacement when they start to
encounter problems with correct enhancements to their habitat.
> Full agreement again and I suggest everyone to consider
> draft-vixie-dnsext-resimprove-00, section 3 (an useful thing for qname
> minimisation but also against current "random qnames" attacks
> <https://indico.dns-oarc.net//contributionDisplay.py?contribId=37&sessionId=3&confId=20>).

stephane, i believe you misunderstood the sense of ohta-san's remarks.

Paul Vixie
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