In message <>, Ralf Weber writes:
> Moin!
> Read this draft on the way to the IETF and while saw there was a lot of discu
> ssion around it I didn't read all of it, so forgive me if stuff has been said
>  before.
> First I think it is good to have a draft that captures what you can do and wh
> at the challenges for IPv6 reverse are. However as the discussion on what is 
> the best way to do will never come to an end as people have strong opinions o
> n that we should leave that or the recommendations section out of the draft a
> nd just publish it as informational. You could if you want to leave that sect
> ion in just say that there is no clear way to recommend anything as there are
>  different scenarios that apply to different operators and that everybody has
>  to pick their own poison ;-).
> One thing I would like to see added is delegating reverse and corresponding f
> orward to CPE (homenet router), but serving it out of the service providers n
> ame servers as described in
> ont-end-naming-delegation-04 (full disclosure I am co-author of this). While 
> I like the idea of delegating the naming responsibility to the end user/home 
> I personally don't think it is a good thing for the Internet to generate mill
> ions of DNS servers on CPE devices as we already have enough problems with th
> at ( granted different kind of dns server/proxy
>  but I assume hackers will find way to abuse these also).

For the home user CPE you use DNS COOKIES / SIT or push to TCP.  These should
be low volume authoritative server.

> So long
> -Ralf
> ---
> Ralf Weber
> e:
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