On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 02:23:52PM -0400, Casey Deccio wrote:
> I've re-read the definitions of zone apex and delegation point in RFC 4033
> (in conjunction with review of draft-hoffman-dns-terminology-02) and it
> seems to me that they are not consistent with RFC 1034 notions.

When I was working on this in the -00 with Paul, I came to believe
that 1034 was not always totally careful about distinguishing theory
and practice.

To me, the "delegation point" is a logical question: where in the tree
does a new authority take over?

The "zone cut" is in fact a question of implementation: delegation
points are implemented at zone cuts, which correspond to the point
where the parent gives away its authority over the namespace.
Therefore, _I_ think the zone cut is the place where the NS records
are.  But to me the delegation point is a logical construct, and as
such represents a point in the tree.  4033's definition, however,
ought to trump for the purposes of the terminology doc unless it's at
odds with other docs, because the terminology doc is supposed to
reflect known usage.

I believe quite strongly, however, that the zone apex is in fact a
logical point in the tree, and the zone origin is the implementation
of that.  I think that is just entailed by the way STD13 is written.

I think errata would be incorrect: if this is a change, it's a clarification, 
not an erratum in any previous document.


Andrew Sullivan

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