On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 09:57:06AM -0700,
 Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org> wrote 
 a message of 98 lines which said:

> The definition in the draft includes ideas from RFC 5625, which
> seems to be the much more common definition of "forwarder" used
> today. However, the WG is free to define this however they want.

I disagree with "much more common". The two definitions can be
summarized as:

1) a forwarder is the machine which forwards
2) a forwarder is the machine which receives the forwarded request

I find 2) much more common, because it is the meaning it has in BIND.

> My proposal goes the other way: to use the more common definition of
> a forwarder being what we see in gazillions of SOHO devices.

And then we will have thousands of BIND configs to patch...

Anyway, _today_, in draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-terminology-00, the
definition of "forwarder" is not 1) or 2) but a strange mix of both.

> > Dangerous legal and political issues here. If Joe Sysadmin
> > configures the DHCP server to tell the users' machines to use
> > and this resolver rewrites answers, can we honestly say
> > that the users "are expected to know"? Technically, there is no
> > difference between Consensual policy-implementing resolver and
> > Non-consensual policy-implementing resolver and I would merge the
> > definitions.
> Please propose specific wording for the merge so the WG can see if
> they like it better.

Policy-implementing resolver -- A resolver that changes some answers
it returns based on policy criteria, such as to prevent access to
malware sites.  This is just a technical definition: such a
policy-implementing resolver can be installed by various actors, for
various reasons, and users may or may not be aware of its
policy. [Some people prefer to be direct and call it a lying

> >> Passive DNS -- A mechanism to collect large amounts of DNS data
> >> by storing queries and responses from recursive servers.
> > 
> > Most passive DNS servcies collect only the responses, which is good
> > for privacy.
> Some passive DNS services collect the query too. Given the privacy
> issue you mention, we should make people aware of that.

Passive DNS -- A mechanism to collect large amounts of DNS data by
storing responses from servers. Some of these systems also collect
queries, which can raise privacy issues.

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