Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Tue, 26 May 2015, Paul Vixie wrote:
>>> Saying there is a concern with dotless MAIL is an easy sell, my
>>> question was on issues with not-dotless MAIL.
>> i agree with ruben. i know of a lot of local uses of HOME, CORP, and
>> LOCAL, where non-dotless names inside some network perimeter have local
>> meaning. i know of no instance of MAIL being used that way.
> How do 15 year old OSes and applications implement and interact for
> "search domains".
> The answer is "very differently and often very wrongly".
> Are we sure that an application querying "mail" will still end up
> receiving
> an A record for when mail. is delegated.

yes. i wrote a lot of the 15-year-old code in question. (actually some
of it is 25 years old.) NOERROR vs. NXDOMAIN doesn't matter. all that
matters is that there is no AAAA or A RR at "MAIL.", and that's already
a rule, so what we're discussing here (your example) will
not be impacted.

your example is spot-on when it comes to CORP, HOME, or LOCAL, or to
dotless domains, but not to *.MAIL.

Paul Vixie

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