On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 10:10:39PM +0100, Ólafur Guðmundsson wrote:
> Having DNAME and NS below a zone apex is non-sensical as both are
> "delegation records" i.e.
> NS says where to find more specific name,
> DNAME how to write a more specific name to another name.

It's legal, though.

> NS and DNAME can co-exist at zone apex, and if the ANY query is for
> the apex then it should not matter which RRset is returned from the APEX is
> returned.

That's why I qualified this point -- I'm not certain anything would
break if you chose to omit a DNAME; I'm just concerned that something

In any case, I do think an ANY query for a zone apex should always
return the NS.

> If this is a delegation point I think the server SHOULD return a referral,
> i.e. NS record in Authority section.


> For names where there is a CNAME either the CNAME is the only RRset or
> there is a NSEC/NSEC3 RRset
> I think for backwards compatibility CNAME should be returned in this case.

Agreed here too.

> > This is an over specific recommendation and can not be enforced,
> think about the case where an operator uses any-cast and different software
> running on
> various servers.

It doesn't need to be enforced, I suggested it as a SHOULD. I think
it's better if the same server (physical server, that is, not anycast
address) behaves consistently and predictably. I don't care what
selection algorithm is used by any implementation, I just don't
think randomness is desirable.

Choosing the smallest RRset, as you suggested, is a perfectly fine

> Similarly if there is a HINFO record it MAY take precedence over any other
> records by the selection algorithms.

Good point.

> Is reference to RFC4770 security considerations good enough  ?

Sorry, which RFC?  "vCard Extentions for Instant Messaging" doesn't
seem likely to be what you meant here, but my brain is failing to
figure it out from context.

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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