On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Rob Austein <s...@hactrn.net> wrote:

> I would recommend that you think about how any of these proposed
> schemes interact with DNS wildcards.  Yes, some people use wildcards
> with TLSA RRs, or even with CNAME RRs pointing to TLSA RRs: this
> allows one to express "every service on machine foo.example.org uses
> the same certificate" concisely.

Sure. For client credentials, the most natural use of wildcards I envision
would be to specify that a given client uses the same credentials for all
application protocols. In our proposed form, this can be accomplished
by replacing the leading _app label with a wildcard. Or by aliasing a
defined set of per-app names to a generic name.

So if one buys George's analysis of this as a role vs protocol
> distinction, the question becomes whether it's more useful to be able
> to group by roles or by protocols.  That is, are you more likely to
> want to say "all roles for protocol foo use the same certificate",
> "all protocols for role foo use the same certificate", or just not
> allow any kind of grouping here at all.  The first of these makes the
> most sense to me, YMMV.

I assume here that role means a "client", "server" or other role for the
same application protocol.

We also need to define what protocol means - is it the application
protocol or the transport protocol? If considering both independently,
we have additional possible groupings.

But yes, I agree that making it easy to group the commonly expected
ways should be a goal. Assuming the base domain name will be the
same in each grouping, "all protocols for role foo" should be expressible
with wildcards. "All roles for application protocol Foo" is a bit more
challenging, since the client TLSA record uses a symbolic name for the
application whereas the server TLSA record uses a port number. Assumptions
could be made about applications using well known ports I guess, but
that doesn't offer a complete solution.

Shumon Huque
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