On Mon, 3 Apr 2017, Dan York wrote:

I very much like the idea of this draft, given that I use multiple DNS hosting 
providers who all have their own unique (and proprietary) way of doing
"CNAME flattening at the apex". I think the reality of today's user experience with 
domain names is that we are increasingly dropping the "www" or any
other kind of second-level domain. So we want to talk about our sites as 
"example.com" ... but as the publisher we want to use CDNs, load balancers and
other systems that need us to use a CNAME. A standardized way of doing this 
would be helpful.
One comment... 

I hate it :)

As Evan said, there should not be any code in an authoritative server
that requires it to do recursive validation.

(Incidentally, I'm working on a somewhat more ambitious ANAME draft with
Peter van Dijk and Anthony Eden, who has kindly agreed to merge his efforts
with ours. I expect to post it in a few days, stay tuned.)

Staying tuned :)


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