> On 14 Nov 2017, at 5:45 am, Edward Lewis <edward.le...@icann.org> wrote:
> On 11/13/17, 13:30, "DNSOP on behalf of Evan Hunt" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org on 
> behalf of e...@isc.org> wrote:
>> Mark's idea to push updates to the parent instead of relying on polling used 
>> a SRV query to identify the correct recipient of an UPDATE:
>>   ...draft-andrews-dnsop-update-parent-zones-04...
> This would mean then signing all the SRV sets, so I assume to preserve the 
> benefits of "OPTOUT", you'd want these only for the names that had DS sets.  
> For the others, I assume either no answer or the wildcard ... in the TLD.  
> (That latter thought might be unsettling to some people.)  What I mean is 
> that there is still a scaling problem, in some dimension, to deal with 
> because the DNS is inherently a "down-only" tree.
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That part of the namespace doesn’t require signing as the UPDATES themselves 
are signed
and can be easily split off as a separate zone.  The worst that  would happen 
is that the
UPDATE request would be blocked if a spoofed response was accepted.  Using 
that relay the UPDATE request (which is what slave zones do today for UPDATE) 
requires a single SRV record.

Even if the SRV records are all signed and the registry doesn’t run a UPDATE 
relay there
still isn’t a scaling issue.  It is possible to serve COM with every delegation 
being a secure
delegation even though we don’t do it today.  At worst this creates a zone of 
slightly smaller
size.  Add to that there would be a ramp up process as registrars come online 
this method.

Remember the draft was designed to handle ALL record updates to the parent zone
after being approved by the registrar in a unified manner.  NS, DS, A, DNAME, 
CNAME, etc. This isn’t restricted to DS records.  

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

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