At Sat, 2 Dec 2017 20:09:25 +0530,
Mukund Sivaraman <> wrote:

> > Strictly speaking yes, it is the same as when a Secondary does not update
> > the zone for a long time.
> An authoritiative server operator knows what the consequence of setting
> SOA RDATA fields is. It isn't the same as a cache extending TTL as it
> sees fit, in spite of the loose coherency among primary and secondaries.
> I don't agree a downstream cache has authoritiative say about extending
> TTLs (except exceptional circumstances where the authority is
> unreachable ~serve-stale).

+1.  I'd accept some level of liberty that an implementation can take,
such as ISC BIND 9 extending a 0-TTL of glue to 1 second:

         * Glue with 0 TTL causes problems.  We force the TTL to
         * 1 second to prevent this.
        if (rdataset->ttl == 0)
            rdataset->ttl = 1;

but it should be limited to a quite small range.  How much is
acceptable may be debatable, but I wouldn't consider "Stretching TTL
from 1 Hour [...] for 10% or 10 minutes" to be acceptable at the
discretion of an implementation.

JINMEI, Tatuya

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