Martin Hoffmann wrote:

So, I'll step on that mine: What really would help new implementers
is a 1034bis.

i sympathize with this view, but here's my worry:

That having been said, a stronger document set written today would
not be able to put all of the DNS genies back into their bottles. Too
many implementations have guessed differently when presented with a
loose specification, and interoperability today is a moving, organic
target. When I periodically itch to rewrite the specification from
scratch, I know there are too many things that must be said that also
cannot be said. It’s as though, in a discussion of the meaning of
some bit pattern, a modern description of the protocol—written with
full perspective on all that has been done in the DNS field—would
have to say, “It could mean x but some implementations will think it
means y so you must be cautious.”


what this means is, it's a difficult task.

P Vixie

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