The KSK-Sentinel document ( makes use
of the (leftmost) labels root-key-sentinel-is-ta-<key-tag> and
root-key-sentinel-not-ta-<key-tag>. If a validating recursive resolver sees
these labels, it performs special handling.

Great, everyone is nodding along so far...

Gulp. Now for the question: Is root-key-sentinel-is-ta-<key-tag> an RFC6761
"Special-Use Domain Name"?

The authors are in disagreement - RFC6761 talks about "Special-Use Domain
*Names*", not "Special-Use Domain *Labels*", but Stuart has said that it
wasn't intended to be only for TLDs / pseudo-TLDs / things starting at the
top of the tree.
My view is that this probably is a SUN; it is a name which requires special
My co-authors (rightly) point out that "name" is poorly defined, this is a
label not a name, RFC6761 is vague in it's use of terminology, and all of
the examples and entries are right-anchored.

We've crafted answers to "the 7 questions" from RFC 6761 below; we don't
care which option the WG selects (we have the text and revisions are free),
but we (and I'm assuming the WG!) desperately don't want this to turn into
another extended discussion on SUN / names vs identifiers vs identities vs
contexts / who has policy control over root / internet governance / etc.

So, please, *clearly* state if you think that this:
A: is a SUN
B: is not a SUN

RFC 8244 [0] was fun, but I'm not sure how much more fun I can handle; we'd
love *clear* guidance by next Friday (May 25th)

'So don't delay, act now, supplies are running out
Allow, if you're still alive, six to eight years to arrive
And if you follow, there may be a tomorrow
But if the offer's shunned
You might as well be walking on the SUN"
     -- Smash Mouth

Note: We are answering the questions as asked, and so use 6761 terminology:
IANA Considerations

The IANA is requested to make the following entries in the Special Use
Domain Names registry
domain-names.xhtml) referencing this RFC

root-key-sentinel-is-ta-<key-tag>.*          RFC XXXX
root-key-sentinel-not-ta-<key-tag>.*         RFC XXXX

Domain Name Reservation Considerations

This refers to the set DNS names where the left-most label matches the
specified patterns.
The answers to the seven questions listed in [RFC6761] are as follows:

1: Users:
Human users are not expected to use or recognize these names as
special, other than those who wish to perform testing of their DNS
resolution environment. It is expected that the majority of the testing
will be performed through automated means (e.g: using JavaScript to
cause the user's browser to trigger a DNS lookup), and so the majority
of users will never see these.

2.  Application Software:
No specified behavior is expected of application software.

3. Name Resolution APIs and Libraries:
   Name resolution libraries are not expected to recognize these names as

4.  Caching DNS Servers:
   Caching DNS servers which perform DNSSEC validation are
   expected to treat these labels specially, as described in this document.

Caching DNS servers which are NOT performing DNSSEC
validation are not expected to treat these names as special.

5.  Authoritative DNS Servers:
        Authoritative domain name servers are not expected to undertake any
        altered behaviour for these names.

6.  DNS Server Operators:
        These reserved Special-Use Domain Name have no potential impact on
        DNS server operators.

    7.  DNS Registries/Registrars:
        These names have a special behaviour only when used as the left-most
        label in a name resolution query. They have no special significance
        in any other context and are not required to be treated differently
        in the context of registeries and registrars.


[0]: The Abstract of RFC 8244 says:
"The policy defined in RFC 6761 for IANA registrations in the
"Special-Use Domain Names" registry has been shown, through
experience, to present challenges that were not anticipated when RFC
6761 was written.
This document should be considered required reading for IETF
participants who wish to express an informed opinion on the topic of
Special-Use Domain Names."

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad idea in
the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair of

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