this will be my last post on this topic; happy to continue on DHCP matters.

Ted Lemon wrote:
... In fact, though, the people who are currently providing DoH service
actually have much greater visibility into the malware problem than you
possibly can. ...

this is a false equivalence.

i have responsibility for my network's security. the DoH provider does not.

i _will_ know what's targetting me. the DoH provider _might_ know.

i know my policies and tradeoffs. the DoH provider will not know.

if i choose to outsource my perimeter defense, that's one thing. but to have a visitor or BYOD or malware or employee or family member decide to do this, is quite another.

the DoH team has badly misunderstood a full segment of the community, and the resulting knee-jerk ignorant politics-based engineering is going to have a very long tail of foreseeable negative side effects.

-- P Vixie

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