On 07. 02. 19 16:47, Petr Špaček wrote:
> --- New code points ---
> I propose to add couple more codes:

Yet another code propodsl:
* answer with stale data

   The resolver was unable to resolve answer within its time limits and
   decided to answer with stale data instead of answering with an error.
   This is typically caused by problems on authoritative side, possibly
   as result of an DoS attack. Retrying is likely to cause load and not
   yield a fresh answer, RETRY=0.

Here is a problem that this code point is applicable to NOERROR as well
as NXDOMAIN answers so I'm not sure how to categorize it. This
reinforces my unanswered question why the draft proposes to copy RCODE
into EDE.

Petr Špaček  @  CZ.NIC

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