Thanks Tony!

Best practice for providers ought to be to document re-validation
> requirements very prominently and clearly. (In my experience the common
> ones are not too bad but occasionally we have to guess, so maybe a service
> stops working for mysterious reasons 30 or 90 days later.)

Agreed! We currently have some text in section 4.3
around time-bound checking but we should add this. I raised an issue

> It's kind of ugly the way static verification records clutter
> up the place, but on the other hand it is a useful protection against
> subdomain takeover attacks. So I hope that this document will have a good
> survey of the security considerations.
> Here's an overview of subdomain takeovers

My understanding of subdomain takeovers is that it happens because of
dangling records. Would you mind expanding on this?

> Tony.
> --
> f.anthony.n.finch  <>
> Southeast Fitzroy: Northerly or northeasterly 5 to 7, occasionally
> gale 8 at first. Moderate or rough. Fair. Good.
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