On Wed, 28 Jul 2021, Joe Abley wrote:

Do you want dns servers to spend extra CPU power to lookup whether this is a 
“non-functional” glue case instead of spending less CPU just looking if it has 
a glue record and adding it?

I'm not sure I understand your argument about what is more work for the 
authority server.

Checking whether a referral targets nameservers whose owner name is below the 
zone cut seems straightforward.

If the zone example contains amongst other content:

foo.example. IN NS ns0.foo.example.
foo.example. IN NS ns0.bar.example.
ns0.foo.example. IN A
ns0.bar.example. IN A

Then for the DNS server returning an NS query for foo.example, it is
easy to either:

1) return ns0.foo.example's A record


2) return ns0.foo.example and ns0.bar.example. A records`

What is harder to do is determining whether it should or should not
include ns0.bar.example's A record based on whether it is "needed" or
not, as there are various kinds of loops possible.

This is work that authority-only servers already do.

I think I agree, that auth-only servers already do 1) or 2)

I don't see where the "extra CPU power" you are talking about comes from.

To determine if the glue you know you have is "needed or not".


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