As a follow up to Shumon's email, the order is indeed different than usual. Normally we schedule current business first, but for agenda-technical reasons (allowing discussion) we have changed the order.

Hope you understand the exception to the rule.


-- Benno

On 29/07/2021 21:04, Shumon Huque wrote:
On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 2:49 PM Shumon Huque < <>> wrote:

    On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 2:41 PM Peter van Dijk
    < <>>

        This is not a comment on the specific draft at all. This is a
        on WG process. It seems weird to me to discuss prioritisation
        we spend time talking about current and, especially, new business.

    I'm sure the chairs will answer you on process, but I wanted to
    state that I
    had actually posted -00 before the draft cutoff (-01 posted later
    was a minor
    tweak) and asked for agenda time then. The chairs apologized to me
    that they hadn't responded earlier and said they could fit me on

Quick followup - I'm happy to go at the end. I'm not even sure I was going to
ask for adoption - this was more information sharing, and asking the WG what
I should do with this draft. So it need not impact the current work prioritization discussion. (I am assuming the WG will not bless the BL method, so it is unlikely
to adopt it or a derivative, but I may be surprised).


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