Hi Benno,

On Thu, 2021-07-29 at 23:48 +0200, Benno Overeinder wrote:
> As a follow up to Shumon's email, the order is indeed different than 
> usual.  Normally we schedule current business first, but for 
> agenda-technical reasons (allowing discussion) we have changed the order.
> Hope you understand the exception to the rule.

Right, that argument works both ways, of course.

Option 1: schedule the draft at the end and promise to get to it 10
minutes before the end - in other words, hope that you can manage to
cut the priority discussion short.

Option 2 (chosen here): get the draft out of the way first and hope
that we manage to limit discussion time on it, to leave time for the
wider WG discussion on priorities.

It is understood. Thank you.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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