> On 19. Aug 2022, at 17:06, Schanzenbach, Martin <mschanzenb...@posteo.de> 
> wrote:
> Signed PGP part
> Hi Brian,
> thank you for the feedback.
>> On 19. Aug 2022, at 16:46, Brian Dickson <brian.peter.dick...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> One tidbit that might have been overlooked, is that draft-schanzen-gns (and 
>> the various documents it references, including stuff in github) has a 
>> technical problem.
>> The TL;DR: is that nsswitch (and similar systems) depend on individual 
>> resolution mechanisms (whatever those may be) returning NXDOMAIN (or the 
>> equivalent) in order to fall through to the next mechanism.
>> GNS as currently specified will NEVER return NXDOMAIN. The draft says so 
>> (about never returning NXDOMAIN) and explains why. The why doesn't matter, 
>> the what matters.
>> What this means is, if nsswitch.conf has a line that looks like:
>> hosts: gns dns files
>> then the lookups will NEVER fall through to DNS or /etc/hosts. Changing the 
>> order around to put "gns" at the end of the list will work, but would result 
>> in DNS queries for GNS names always being done. This appears to not do what 
>> the draft says it wants to do (i.e. allowing users to have both GNS and DNS 
>> names in use, including allowing GNS to be preferred if a name collision 
>> occurs.)
>> Here's the longer version:
>> If GNS never returns NXDOMAIN, then the only way GNS can interoperate with 
>> the name resolution selectors such as nsswitch.conf is to use a namespace 
>> identifier of some kind, and return NXDOMAIN for any names that are not 
>> actual GNS names. (The identifier could be anything -- a suffix, a prefix, a 
>> single character, etc.) This would allow GNS to be a first-class member of 
>> the available resolution mechanisms, rather than being forced to always be 
>> the last mechanism in a list.
> A GNS implementation ships with a default configuration: The "Start Zone" 
> (https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-schanzen-gns-21.html#name-start-zones).
> IF the user configured a suffix in the start zone that also exists in DNS, 
> then that is the users problem (see also, /etc/hosts).
> So, the GNS nsswitch plugins functions similarly to the "files" plugin. It 
> also times out, at which point it returns notfound, however.
> See also https://docs.gnunet.org/installing.html#nss-plugin-optional

Oh and I need to add here: The nsswitch plugin is a "GNS-aware" application. 
Which is why if there is NO "start zone" configuration that matches the suffix 
of the name, it DOES return "NXDOMAIN".

> IF the implementation ships a default configuration that has mappings that 
> also exist in DNS/others , then this may be a problem.
> I would request a suggestion on different wording then (however, I think with 
> .alt this would be fixed anyway).
>> Using some (any) mechanism that allows GNS names to be identifiable in such 
>> a way as to either allow GNS to internally distinguish GNS from DNS (and 
>> return NXDOMAIN for DNS names if the query sent to GNS is a DNS name), or 
>> for GNS to handle both GNS and DNS names on a similar basis (do a GNS 
>> resolve on GNS names, or do a DNS resolve on DNS names and return the result 
>> from the DNS call).
>> Having DNS vs GNS ordering handled by the os-specific mechanism (such as 
>> nsswitch.conf) might be better for linux/unix systems (and servers and 
>> desktops generally), while mobile OS set-ups might use their own mechanisms.
> We want the DNS vs GNS vs Other handling to be done by the application (the 
> OS resolver is an application from the perspective of the GNS 
> implementation). This IMO should not be part of our spec beyond some 
> non-normative guidance.
> For example, we specifically consider nsswitch to be a crutch for 
> applications that cannot (yet) distinguish between name systems as part of 
> *possible* migration paths: 
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-schanzen-gns-21.html#appendix-A.4
>> The GNS specification might also want to change its design so that 
>> applications make those decisions on resolution directly, and call whichever 
>> mechanism is appropriate, ie. call either GNS or DNS for resolution on the 
>> basis of the presence/absence of the GNS identifier. Additionally, the 
>> applications (e.g. web browsers) might handle the input/UI parts to default 
>> to either DNS or GNS, and "hide" the GNS identifier (similar to how the 
>> "www" prefix and "https:" service identifier are "hidden", but available for 
>> modification by users in the browser bar), allowing advanced users to do 
>> "the other thing", as appropriate, or whatever the GNS folks thing makes 
>> sense.
>> E.g. in the browser UI for the URI, what might appear to the user as 
>> "foo.bar" might in fact be "https://www.foo.bar"; (current DNS-as-default 
>> browser), or could alternatively be "https://www.foo.bar.gns.alt"; (modified 
>> GNS-as-default browser). A user entering "foo.bar" would have that 
>> transformation applied by default, but also be editable if the user desires.
> Yes, but we have to distinguish between "GNS-aware" and "GNS-unaware" 
> applications. For example, applications such as browsers are not really 
> "nsswitch files plugin"-aware.
> The browser will try the IP and TLS probably will not work if the server IPs 
> in DNS and hosts do not match.
> So, in order to applications to proactively handle GNS names, they need to 
> "know" what it is. But if they to, they can easily figure out the "start 
> zone" configuration of the user and compare it against the given name 
> according to 
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-schanzen-gns-21.html#name-start-zones
> However, I think you found a blind spot and I need to recheck the draft. I 
> remember that we intentionally left handling of the name by applications out 
> of the draft.
> The primary reason for this initially was internationalisation and UTF-8, as 
> far as I remember.
> Anyway, I think we may address this issue anyway should we incorporate 
> references to a possible .alt draft in the next revisions or so.
> BR
> Martin
>> Brian
>> P.S. To be clear, this is an observation on a deficiency, and suggested 
>> possible fix, but it is not specifically advocating for the correction to be 
>> done.
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