Hi Joe,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca>
> Sent: 16 October 2022 20:30
> To: Brian Dickson <brian.peter.dick...@gmail.com>
> Cc: Eliot Lear <l...@lear.ch>; Rob Wilton (rwilton) <rwil...@cisco.com>;
> Suzanne Woolf <swo...@pir.org>; dnsop@ietf.org; DNSOP-Chairs Chairs
> <dnsop-cha...@ietf.org>
> Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Possible alt-tld last call?
> Op 16 okt. 2022 om 15:03 heeft Brian Dickson
> <brian.peter.dick...@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
> > For example, using a hash function, such as sha2-256, with output encoded
> as base32hex.
> > (This is just an example; any suitable function that takes URI as input and
> produces an ASCII DNS-compatible label as output would suffice.)
> If we start from the position that names in this shared namespace don't need
> to be semantically meaningful to humans then this whole problem space
> becomes a whole lot easier, or perhaps doesn't even rise to the level of
> "problem". See also 98% of the work done by the ICANN community and
> arguably the entire business models of registries and registrars.
> However, I don't think we are starting from that position. For example we
> hear there is demand for .giraffe for the giraffe naming system described at
> https://giraffe.org/ because using giraffe.org as an anchor for that naming
> system in the namespace is not acceptable to anybody who cares about GNS.
> If giraffe.org doesn't cut the mustard then I have my doubts that
> jduxbenebrnjxudnxznbrnr.alt will satisfy anybody either.
> (If giraffe.org can't be tolerated then I also don't see why giraffe.alt is an
> obvious solution, but I sense people are tired of hearing me say that so I'll
> leave it this parenthetical cloak of invisibility and continue whistling
> innocently.)

You may be right, but I don't think that we can really know this unless we try. 
 And at least if we did standardize .alt then we are offering a sanctioned 
mechanism for supporting alternative domain resolution systems.

I think that we know that gns is willing to use .alt, so we have at least one 

// No hats.

> Joe

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